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natural beauty routine

It has been a slow build up to changing by beauty routine, and lets me honest mine isn't huge or time consuming, I've always been about moisturiser... hands, body everything, and once finding out about the bad chemicals in these products and how your skin actually does absorb some of the nasties. Really the out side of our bodies should be treated how we treat our insides :)

I'm still new to the natural hair products, and most days I'm extremely happy with my hair and then some days its a mess and hard to work with, but it is only my 3rd week and I think it's a mater of finding a shampoo that suits my hair.

but anyway this is what my natural beauty routine looks like;

( click on anything that is underlined - thats the link to some of the products)

1. home made coffee scrub some times made with the left over cold brew coffee.

I use it 2-3 times a week even on my face, has helped with my stretch marks, keratosis pillars (pimples on my arms) I have started using bear bones coffee as my scrub, because it taste amazing as cold brew! and the ground is the same as coffee scrub, nice and coarse ! recipe clip here

2. Niugini organics coconut oil, it's the only one I have found at the moment that I like the taste of in my raw treats so this also gets used as my moisturiser, great for lips as well in the cool weather. you can find this brand at most health food stores.

3. Miessence Mint Toothpaste, it's made in Australia, no fluoride and does the job, i use jack n' jill on Olives teeth :) I get these from Hand made naturals west end.

4. Black whitener, tooth tonic.

once changing to a natural tooth paste without a whitener I got a little tub of this stuff ! and seriously it's better then any other whitener I have tried !!! so exited to have found this product, and it's even good for you!!! the active coconut charcoal not only whitens teeth but can remove toxins from the body!!!!! It does say not to use more then twice a week as it might remove the enamel from your teeth! so don't get to excited :P

I found this little jar of awesomeness at Hand made naturals as well but you can order it on line too at Tooth tonic

I am loving the smell of this beautiful product and I am in to my 3rd week so I'm baring with it, I'm thinking I need to get the sample box and give them all a try :) I only use it twice a week and mostly use the apple cider vinegar rinse.

I went the first week with out this baby! and it was hard, finding out about this product made going all natural a whole lot easier thats for sure ! I do use it every night, only because I work in a kitchen and my hair collects everything.

But it seriously does help balance the PH levels in your hair making the change easier. I am keen to try just normal shop brought apple cider vinegar, I'm sure there isn't a difference and it would be cheeper.

This product comes in handy when my hair decides to be super dry, use a little not much though, as less is more with this product. I think once my hair has settled back to be normal I won't need this product, but I guess we will soon see :)

Hope thats some good information to start going all natural :)

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